Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Shall we dance? Learn all the hot moves online!

New Delhi: If your dance partner spends more time trying to avoid your feet than look into your eyes, then it means you need help.

But say you haven't got the time, and you have a dinner date coming up next month, then the answer, is online. is one of the many online dance tutor websites on which you can just log on and learn anything from salsa, to jive to ballroom dancing.

“You can go online and take some dancing lessons as a first step. But you also need to take some real dancing lessons,” says founder of Ballroumors, Aamir Ahmad.

It's even got printed floor maps that show you how to move your feet. It is real fun, but if it doesn't work then the inimitable YouTube comes to the rescue!

Just type in dancing tutorials and videos tutors of every conceivable dance are yours to access.

And the Indian answer to virtual dancing,, is tailor-made for anyone with a taste for Bollywood music and a desire to take on the dance floor.

Conceptualised by a company called Kreeda, dancemasti allows you to create your own avatar, get your own room and wardrobe and enter dance contests online.

It’s a fun passtime for your weekend, but when it comes down to some priceless moments, it just doesn't compare.

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