Now that Salman Khan is out of jail, the actor will soon be seen shaking a leg with dancing sensation Prabhu Deva for Boney Kapoor's Wanted Dead And Alive. Salman and Prabhu will be performing an item number for the film, which is being directed by Prabhu. Incidentally Prabhu's brother Raju Sundaram will be choreographing the song. Prabhu had choreographed a song number Que sera sera featuring Madhuri Dixit and himself for Boney's Pukar earlier. The song was a sensational hit in the film and Boney was so impressed by it that he insisted on having a number with Salman and Prabhu in this film as well.
Boney, who was worried man until yesterday, is relaxed as Salman was let out on bail. "When I came to know that Salman got the bail, I felt relieved. He is a gem of a person and has been very cooperative. My film is 25 per cent complete with two songs that have been picturised in Bangkok. The rest of the film will be shot in Mumbai, Hyderabad and Chennai."
He adds, "I have seen Prabhu's work earlier and I know his capacity. We are also planning an item number with Ayesha Takia, who is the female lead opposite Salman." Wanted Dead And Alive is a remake of the Telugu hit Pokiri, which revolves around an undercover cop who works for a mafia don. Prabhu, who directed the Remake of Original telugu movie in Tamil, is wielding the megaphone for the Hindi remake too.
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